Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

It's been months since the ghost of Anna Korlov opened a door to Hell in her basement and disappeared into it, but ghost-hunter Cas Lowood can't move on.

His friends remind him that Anna sacrificed herself so that Cas could live—not walk around half dead. He knows they're right, but in Cas's eyes, no living girl he meets can compare to the dead girl he fell in love with.

Now he's seeing Anna everywhere: sometimes when he's asleep and sometimes in waking nightmares. But something is very wrong...these aren't just daydreams. Anna seems tortured, torn apart in new and ever more gruesome ways every time she appears.

Cas doesn't know what happened to Anna when she disappeared into Hell, but he knows she doesn't deserve whatever is happening to her now. Anna saved Cas more than once, and it's time for him to return the favor. 

You can purchase Girl of Nightmares at the following Retailers:

And now, The Giveaways.
Thank you KENDARE BLAKE for making this giveaway possible.
1 Winner will receive a Signed Copy of Girl of Nightmares,iPhone Cover & 
one Signed Bookmark by Kendare Blake.
1 Winner will receive one iPhone Cover by Kendare Blake.


  1. I would sneak into all the places I'm not supposed to go or can't afford! Like special museum vaults or first class on airplanes or cruises!!

  2. Ummm, go into th boys locker room?? LOL just kidding... maybe ;)

    Ugh, go past the employees only sign to see what really happens back there LOL

  3. Sneak into a giant library or bookstore and read all the books or sneak into concerts of my favorite bands and singers :D

  4. If I was invisible, I think I'd do what everybody invisible does in TV shows and movies and play pranks on people and eavesdrop. Just seems like the proper thing to do!!

    (And I really wish I had an iPhone, because those covers are AWESOME!! I think I've had this phone long enough......)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The first thing I would do would be to totally freak out! After that, it might be fun to go scare a few people for a little bit.

  7. I would eavesdrop and learn what other people say about me:)should be interesting:)

    awesome giveaway!!!!

  8. I'd sneak into the library after hours and read to my heart's delight!

  9. I would travel to Toronto and see the shooting of City of Bones:))). And yes, I would see all the places, where - in normal cases - I couldn't have any admission as an ordinary person.

  10. First thing freak out! Then walk through a wall...lol then go to ask the amazing places I couldn't have before!!

  11. Probably freak out. Usually being invisible leads to bad things happening. lol.

  12. That would be so fun (for a day or two) and I would go spy on so many people haha past boyfriends, my husband,etc!

  13. If I woke up and found out I was invisible... I really don't know what I would do other than freak out. Probably sneak into places I shouldn't go... once I calm down. And play pranks on people, because it could be fun. :) Great give away!!

  14. oh my, what wouldn't I do??? I am sure I would freak at first. Then I would take advantage by sneaking around to watch others!!!

  15. I actually wrote a short story about this when I was in 5th grade. I can't remember what the character did, but they had to figure out how to become visible again. If I turned invisible, I'd fly to Washington, D.C. and sneak into top secret meetings to find out what's really going on in the world.

  16. It's actually a tricky question, because what if all of a sudden it worns off and I'm in a middle of somwhere/something and could get into trouble... but would definitely sneak in/on places i can't afford.

  17. Go to an amusement park and butt in lines so i wouldn't have to wait forever!

  18. I would have to go to the local park and throw stuff at unsuspecting people, lol. That would put a smile on my face :)

  19. Freak out! but then, go spy on the people I know!

  20. I would go to the London Dungeons and play pranks on people, scaring them more then usual.

  21. Scare everyone!!!!!!!!

  22. I would freak out. Then I would experiment to see how the invisibility worked. Does it make anything I hold invisible too? Or just my actual being. If that makes sense.:)

  23. I would go to bookstores and read all the books I can get my hands on.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!!

  24. There are so many things I would want to do.
    1.Play oh so many pranks
    2.Visit places the general public are not allowed
    3.Plus go on some awesome adventures
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  25. there aren't many uses for "good" I can think of! I would probably work for a government agency as a spy!

  26. Hmmm. I am not sure o.O So much I would like to look out, without others seeing me :D Would have been awesome to be invisible and be able to fly. Would kind of make me happy to be invisible :) So first thing would probably be to smile ;p
    Sigh. This is the most epic giveaway! I need to win. I need it. <3 Adore Kendare :) And these books are so extremely good.
    Love, Carina

  27. Probably go nuts trying to get my family to notice me when I wanted, but I'd probably enjoy the quiet of people not seeing me!

  28. I would spy on my boyfriend. Just kidding. Nah, all I probably make do little things to freak him out since he ghosts hunts. And then do cute things. Like filling the room with love notes while he's out.

  29. hmmmmm first thing i would do would probably go freak people out!

  30. I would go to school with my son who has special needs, just so I could watch him round his friends and teachers for the day . . . .

  31. I'd probably eavesdrop on so many conversations, play pranks, sneak to McDonalds and get me some free food for lunch. Oh the options....

  32. I would first probably freak out! lol I think I would travel. I would probably be very snoopy as well. Thanks for the chance.

  33. jejej pues me gustaria asustar a los q me han molestado pero no se que mas podria hacer pero seria muy divertido

  34. Sneak on an airplane far away from here.

  35. Find out what my daughters were really up to behind that closed door!

  36. Go to a place you could never afford. Like I would hope on a plane to Ireland to see family.

  37. I'd go over to peoples houses I knew an see what they were saying about me :)

  38. If I woke up one day and was invisible, I would definitely go haunt someone. lol...

  39. If I woke up invisible what would I do... is it bad if I said I would first want to take some time for myself and hide from my kids? LOL

  40. Sneak into a bookstore and get all the books I want!! Hahaha

  41. If I were invisible, I would sneek into rich peoples homes, steal their money and give it to homeless teenagers who don't have food or clothing. I would also sneek into the voting system and approve gay and lesbians rights so they can have the freedom to marry.

  42. I think I would try and freak my husband out. Sometimes it would be really nice. Nice and quiet. Sounds boring but I might just relax. No kids would know I was around to say mommy I need this and that. That would be great once and awhile.

  43. Go to the home of my ex and move stuff around, knock stuff over & make him think he either had a poltergeist or was going bat shit crazy :)

  44. I would probably end up playing pranks on people.

  45. I think I'd try to figure out why I'd become invisible and then try to communicate with someone. Or sneak in somewhere lol.

  46. i will pull a prank on my sisters... :P

  47. Go to the movie theater during halloween and spook everyone in there.

  48. People watch. I know. Creepy. But it's fun. See how everyone normally act without me or anybody around.

  49. I would probably haunt my crush! Haha, no, I would probably eavsdrop on people, or sneak into bookstores and read as many books as I can before I turn visible again!

  50. This question is too funny! My fellow blogmate and I were talking about Six (Lorien Legacies) and how she can turn invisible and we both agreed that we would go to Barnes and Noble and get alllllllll the books we havent read / bought yet! - Beth @ YA Vixens

  51. I'd probably want to scare some friends. Lol! Or haunt the guy I like. (Ileana-rafflecopter)

  52. Go to places I won't normally be allowed, like backstage at concerts or things like that xD

  53. Go to the Airport...Fly myself across the world and see all the Wonders of the World....FOR FREE! :)

  54. I would go and spy on all my friends and family and sneak into concerts and movies

  55. I would go to the places, where I would otherwise never set foot. :))))

  56. First I'll freak out a lot. Then, when all waterworks will cease, I'll do all crazy things like sneak into display shops, try clothes on from boutiques, stare at people until they prove to me that "stare at someone and they'll feel it" is true or not.

  57. What would I do if I woke up one day and found out I was invisible?? I would def freak out for one and then I would spy on people to see what they really thought of me, and of course scare the crap out of my husband, lol!

  58. I think I'd scream, die, faint, or somewhere in between those lines :D

    Hiiii Jean!! I'm back to stalking you!!!
    I'm sorry I haven't been here leaving comments and stuff... but life has been kind of... bad... But now... hopefully I can get all caught up with reading all your posts :D

  59. Well, I think I would travel a lot, I'm invisible so, it's free (lol), and for sure I would spy a little my neighbours, I would like to know what din they think about me.

  60. I would go play tricks on people and then once it settled in I was actually invisible I would probably freak out :)

  61. Probably become a bank robber or some sort high end criminal and then write a best seller about it :D

  62. The FIRST thing is possibly the same for all of us........look in a mirror to check!
    Then I would see what really goes on behind closed doors,
    Demitra Giote

  63. Well, first I would be a little surprised but after I would use it to sneak in all kinds of places :P

  64. I would sneak in a movie theater! :))

  65. First I`d freak out like a crazy person, then I`d check if I`m invisible to my family and other people around. I`d try to talk to whoever I saw.
    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  66. Probably go check on my kids to see if they had changed too!

  67. I have no idea! Probably go spy on someone or go check out things I could never do if I was visible : )

  68. I'd probably go and sneak into historic places. What can I say I'm a history buff.

  69. I would go into a bookstore and take all the books that I Want to read. EVERY BOOK THERE!
    Nice question

  70. Probably I woulf freak out.

  71. I would probably freak out 'cause let's face it, that's not the best thing that could happen to me. LOL! Then, I would probably eavesdrop a little, scare some people, spy.. :D Thanks for a giveaway!

  72. i will freaking out, but then scarying people :P

  73. I would freak out and then start to cry XD

  74. I would freak out, then go scare my two younger brothers :p

  75. Freak the hell out. Why am I invisible for!! Later I might go exploring places I'm not usually allowed.

  76. I would totally hone my spying skills :)

  77. First i would freak out and then i would do all the things i have in my mind(don't ask what)

  78. Listen in on all of those conversations that happen to stop when you enter a room. I know someone is talking about me!

  79. I'd be a creeper and see what people are saying.

  80. Well after freaking out I would eavesdrop on a few people and sneak into places that I can't afford or am not allowed to go. Would also freak my friends out a bit by playing a few pranks on them

  81. I would stalk my celebrity crush. Hahaha! <3

  82. Um....I think I would punch some people. I have a list. :P

  83. boring I know, but I would walk into my kids school, just to see if they are as good as they say they are, lol, then, go to where they are having the premiere of Breaking Dawn part 2 and sit on Rob's lap, lol, Thankyou for a wonderful giveaway x x

  84. I would definitely freak out and think I am still dreaming! lol

  85. Im pretty clumsy so Id probably walk into something not knowing what was going on with my body! LOL

  86. Oh I would play a ghost for my family, move stuff around and make noises, mwahahah, just for a little while. xD

    (Carla C. on the Raffle)

  87. First i would freak out, then i would go to a library so i could have all the books for me!

  88. I'd blink my eyes and look for a mirror. and mid-panic

  89. Go to my work and play jokes on my manager lol!

  90. go spy on some people that aren't so nice, to see what they really do in life!

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. i will sacare my family hahahaha

    nidia_fialho on the raffle

  93. I would jump around and write on papers to freak anyone and everyone out :P I would creep everyone I know and have fun (and panic a little) :D
    And tell my parents and then maybe sneak into planes and afterwards, return back home and work out how to become visible again with my family (after I've had had all my fun) ~

  94. Be happy then think of something that I could do that will benefit me (like stealing a item I really want, LOL) or scare people... =) Thank you for this!!!

  95. If I woke up one day and found that I have become invisible,the first thing that, maybe I would scare my enemy and I would go to bookstore,whenever I want and read all the books :D

  96. What a great question! I'd probably shadow my husband first and then various members of my family. Really "listen" in on those conversations! LOL! Thanks for the giveaway!

  97. haha what wouldn't I do? ;) I'm kidding! I'd probably go pull some pranks on anyone and everyone I could!

    Thanks for another fantastic giveaway & good luck everyone!!!

  98. That would definitely be cool! So I'll go do what I can't normally do when I am, well, visible. That would be super fun!!! :)

  99. I think I would totally freak out. Lol! But once recovered I'd probably have some fun and pull some pranks on my friends.

  100. First thing I would do is not bother getting dressed. Nude for the day!

  101. I think the first thing I would do is be like a fly on the wall around my boyfriend and his friends and see what they all talk about.

  102. Sneak on a bus to Spokane. Then, once there, scare the heck out of my fiance'.

  103. go to the bookstore and take all the book i can *lol

  104. I'd run (or take the car/bus) to my local bookstore and sit in a corner and how no one would notice the magical floating books that seem to turn pages on their own..

  105. i would freak out first, then go to Hollywood, and sneak on sets of movies and shows I love, (Like Supernatural, love Jensen Ackles, lol) oh, and City of Bones, would sneak on a plane going to Canada, and not have to pay, and go see all the cool actors on set (Jamie, lol) and of course play practical jokes on anyone I could, :) I could go on and on, lol

  106. I'll probably scare some of my friends & family for fun lol :)

  107. the first i'll do is go to my brother and scare him a bit and then after that we both will team up and plan some mischief... ;)

  108. Sneak on a plane to America as I really want to go there at least I can for free then :)

  109. Write a note to my parents, I don't want them to freak out!!! and then I would go spy on my friends lol!!

  110. The first thing I would do would be to freak out and then I would go to a book store and I would stay there for days reading all the books I wanna read.

  111. I would be the person that plays pranks on people and makes things move seemingly by themselves just cause hehe

  112. i'd probably flip out the first 10 minutes - and then i would probably call my mother XD

  113. I would definitly go crazy for 10 minutes, then sneak up in places i shouldn't be! :))

  114. I would play pranks and spy on famous people!!

  115. I would definitely ease drop on conversations!
