Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Christa Kinde Author Interview

Photo Content from Christa Kinde

An avid reader who took up writing on a whim, Christa Kinde 
hails from Scandia, Minnesota, a small town on the fringes of the Twin Cities metro area. She attended Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota, where she discovered the glories of singing in Latin, took biblical Greek as a second language, and learned to play a mean game of foosball. Nearly a decade later, she put her dual degrees in English and Bible to practical use. Everyday Living: Bible Life and Times [Thomas Nelson] was soon followed by numerous Bible study guides and workbooks, including award winning titles for Max Lucado and Women of Faith.

Christa and her husband Wayne lived for several years in rural West Michigan, then spent a handful more in Nashville, Tennessee. They’ve thoroughly enjoyed their travels throughout the United States and abroad and currently reside with their five children in San Diego, California. The Threshold Series [Zonderkidz] is Christa’s first fiction publication.


What’s one thing that readers would be surprised to find out about you?
I write by candlelight. Makes me sound ancient, but candles have been part of my early morning routine for a few years now—get up while it’s still dark, fire up the laptop, strike a match, light the wick. Something about the smell of singed matchsticks and pooling wax helps me slip into writing mode.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I was thirty when my first non-fiction book was published. Forty when Zondervan decided to pick up the Threshold Series. Does that make me a late bloomer?

What was the greatest thing you learned at school?
Learning isn’t limited to the lecture hall.

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Sensible. Nonsensical. Contrary.

Did you learn anything from writing The Blue Door and what was it?
Perhaps the best lesson has been patience. Publishing happens at its own pace. I’m so glad my publisher has been open to letting me write various short stories, serials, and supplementary materials. I’m finding whole new ways to expand on the Threshold universe while waiting for Book 2 to come out next May.

For those who are unfamiliar with Prissie, how would you introduce her?
Prissie is a small town girl with a big family, a solid Christian upbringing, and plenty of strong opinions. She’s proud of her heritage, loyal to her friends, bossy with her brothers, and full of good intentions. For a girl who puts stock in appearances, it’s disconcerting to learn that not everyone in her life is who—or what—they appear to be.

If you could introduce one of your characters to any character from another book, who would it be and why?
I think it would do Prissie some good to meet some of the heroines from Gail Carson Levine’s The Princess Tales. While I find Prissie’s many ideals endearing, I’d love to shake up her stereotypes a little.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I grew up with my nose in every kind of book, so countless authors played their part in shaping my tastes and helping me find my own voice. However, if I had to choose, I’d say Max Lucado.

How many books have you written?
Lots! I’ve published dozens of non-fiction titles, mostly Bible studies. And while The Blue Door is my official fiction debut, I’ve written several other stories. For instance, I’ve been building an adventure from scratch on my blog all year. Galleries of Stone began as a personal challenge to post a chapter a day during 2012. The tale of Freydolf and Tupper, a magical master sculptor and his young servant, has been all kinds of fun to tell!

You have the chance to give one piece of advice to your readers. What would it be?
Write every day.

What's the most memorable summer job you've ever had?
If you want good memories, I spent a steamy, spice-laden summer in the kitchen of a high-class restaurant in a fine, old hotel. For bad memories, I could dredge up the endless monotony of a summer squandered in a plastic factory.

Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before?
I choose love.

Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Bad days bring out my inner recluse. I don’t reach out. I burrow!

When was the last time you cried?
While working on a scene for the final book in the Threshold Series. I’ve never been the weepy sort, so it’s downright embarrassing when I get misty.

Where can readers stalk you?
I’d love for readers to drop by my website,, where they can pick through my weekly accumulation of desktop clutter, ogle a gallery filled with story art, uncover a small trove of sneak peeks and authorial gossip, and—naturally—read more stories. I’m also on Twitter @ChristaKinde.

ZonderKidz launches an exciting supernatural series for kids 11 and up. 

The Blue Door, the first book in The Threshold Series, introduces Prissie Pomeroy, a teen who discovers she can see what others cannot: angels all around. Even more startling is the surprising secret she uncovers about people she thought she knew. As she wrestles with this unexpected ability she must come to grips with the spiritual battles surrounding her. Especially when she learns she received this gift because God has a unique role for her in his bigger plan. But if she's to fulfill it, she'll need faith like never before.

This exciting debut by author Christa Kinde draws on the rapidly growing interest in angel stories, an emerging trend in teen and preteen supernatural novels. Boys and girls alike will appreciate her gifted storytelling that captures their imagination with things beyond human sight. And parents will appreciate the family-friendly tone and godly messages maintained throughout this intriguing tale of adventure and spiritual warfare.

You can purchase The Blue Door at the following Retailers:

And now, The Giveaways.
Thank you CHRISTA KINDE for making this giveaway possible.
1 Winner will receive a copy of The Blue Door by Christa Kinde.


  1. I'd like to try and go after this one guy, just one more time, to see if things could have worked out. It's killing me not knowing what may or may not have been. Thanks so much for the giveaway Christa and Jean:)

  2. I like to go rafting again

  3. There are times in which I would like a do over....if I would have done this or that instead...but then I realize everything from the past makes me who I am today and I am happy where I am at.

    Thanks for the giveaway

  4. I would be a better mother, more patience, and understanding.
    vera28546 at yahoo dot com

  5. I'd like to go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans again.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. i'd like to go back when my parents were still together...

  7. Oddly enough I would say I would like to try high school over again... I had fun in high school but I wish I would have been a little more focused on the things that mattered!

  8. I would like to do over my time in high school so I could get better grades.

  9. I'd like to go back and be brave enough to do bungee.

  10. I would like for my hubby and I to go on another Bed & Breakfast trip through the Blue Ridge Mts. Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway!

  11. Maybe I would like pass again the middle school to do some things better

  12. There are some things about my high school experience I would like to do again.

  13. I'd like to go back and go to college right after high school :)

  14. Definitely! I would love to go back in time to do a few things differently that would of saved my marriage. Thank you for the chance to win this book!

  15. I'd definitely love to go to New York City again! Oh! That, and kissing my ex-boyfriend.. ;)
    Thanks for the giveaway!
