Monday, January 7, 2013

The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa

Young Adult Faeries & Fantasy Giveaway Hop

Don’t look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.

That is Ethan Chase’s unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he’d dare to fall for.

Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister’s world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myth and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.

You can purchase The Lost Prince at the following Retailers:

And now, The Giveaways.
1 Winner will receive a copy of The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa.
The Lost Prince will be purchased through Book Depository.

Click the Banner below for my Giveaways:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Have I ever crawled through a window? Yes, many, many, many, many years ago and to be honest I don't remember why or where.

  2. I have! When I was young and my parents forgot the house key. I had to crawl through the bathroom window to get into the house and unlock the door. Those were the days! lol

    Thank you for the giveaway! I'd love to read this book :)

    Julie K

  3. probably yeah - as a kid. the living room windows were not particularly high, so it was pretty easy to get out - and it was faster that way XD though i don't remember exactly - i just have a feeling that i did it.

  4. I feel like I probably have at some point, but I can't remember when. I can't imagine I've lived this long without at least climbing through a window once or twice : )

  5. Yes, when I was 14 I tried sneaking out of the house to come home and find everyone awake. I thought I could get in through the window but my little sister saw me. :/

  6. Many, many times. I used to sneak out my window a lot when I was a teenager. What a fun question lol. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

  7. Yes many times. One of those times was to open the bathroom door that had been locked by accident and the other many times to sneak out.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Yes after I locked myself out of the house!

  9. Funny you ask :D hehehe
    I have :D

  10. I haven't.. omg, what have I done with my life all these years?? xD
    I'd like to try some day though now that I think about it!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Thanks for the giveaway! Unfortunately, I have never crawled through a window.. But I'll definitely add it now to my list of "things I'll do if I feel like going crazy", thanks again! :)

  12. Yes, when I was a kid. I thought it was fun :D
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Half of it yes, before i was pulled back in SIGH


    raffle name: Nikki o

  14. Yup, at my MIL's house when she locked us out

  15. Nope, my room is on the second floor and I'm scared to death of heights. :D

  16. Yes, because I've gotten locked out a couple times.

  17. Nope... I live on second floor!

  18. Yep, had to do it one time at camp when my friend locked me out of the cabin,a bit difficult considering it was about five feet off the ground :(

  19. Yep! It was a big one and it was to get onto the roof on my grandmas house :)

  20. Yes... when i locked my key in

  21. Have I ever crawled through a window? Yes, many, many, many, many years ago and to be honest I don't remember why or where.

  22. I don't think so - at least not that I remember! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  23. Thanks for the giveaway! -and if you mean crawled though a window into another world I don't think I have. :)

  24. yes the other day I forgot to get my room key before I locked it.
    thanks for the giveaway : )

  25. Yes, I have...but I'm not telling why!!! :D


  26. Yes, I crawled through a window many times before. To get to the roof and to sneak out. :)

  27. Yes. And it wasn't at home but at school. We had some night classes and the guard on duty didn't know we were still in a room at the top floor so..yeah..go figure!

  28. No way, I just sneak out the garage.

  29. Yes I have quite a few times!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. Yes? Jajaja, for reasons not too creepy, I promise.

  31. Yep. I'm pretty good at locking myself out of the house.

  32. Never! Thankfully. *knocks on wood* lol

  33. I used to crawl through my bedroom window to scare my mom when she would go outside. Those were the days.

  34. No, at least not that I can remember. I've always had bedrooms on the second floor, and our house has weird scrolly metal stuff on half the downstairs ones.

  35. Yes I have, once. I forgot my keys in the house and there was no other way to get in but a tiny tiny bathroom window. I still don't know how I managed to crawl in.

  36. Yes, I had a bad habit of locking myself out of the house when I was younger.

  37. I must plead the fifth on this one lol ( my 9 year old is watching me type this!!!! )

  38. Yeah, once :D But it wasn't high, I just climed out to the balcony xD

  39. I have, several times. :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Erin K.

  40. Once. I was the smallest and the only one to enter thru a window. :))

    Amina Black

  41. Yes I have many times :) I used to be bad at locking myself out.

  42. yes, but when i was younger!
    thanks for making htis international!

  43. Yes, when I was a lot younger!

  44. yes it was my own house though when i locked myself out
    kaholgate at ymail dot com

  45. Yes, just last year I had to climb through the window because I locked myself out of my house. Fortunately we fixed the window now so that it doesn't open from the outside but if I'm locked out there aren't any unlocked windows I can crawl through. :P Thank you. :)

  46. I crawled through a window when I was a kid and got locked out of the house!

  47. A better question would be how many different windows have I crawled through...

    Of which I still can't answer... maybe 5?

  48. When we were teenagers my cousins and I used to play hide-N-seek in the middle of the night with no lights at my father's house which was completely surrounded by woods. The catch was that you didn't need to stay stationary. If you were about to get caught, you could silently slip away to hide in another location. So, I often found myself climbing out one window and into another to re-hide.

  49. No I have never crawled through a window lol! Thank you for the giveaway!

  50. Only once.. I locked myself out of the house!

  51. Haha...oh yeah! When I was a teenager I did, quite a few times. I would hear a knock on my window or I would just crawl out to go meet up with friends or boyfriends. Oh man, how I miss those days!! Thank you Jean for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  52. Actually, never. I'm terrified of falling!

  53. Yes, when I was little and got stuck indoors at my granny's cottage. It was first floor and I managed to crawl thorugh the window out and then was told off for getting out ;)

  54. I had to climb through one when I was little as we were locked out. :)

  55. No, I haven't. I sound like a boring person, I know. Haha

  56. I did once when we locked ourselves out of the house.

  57. i have crawled through many a window! :D i actually lived in a condemned house for a while & we had to swing through a broken window to get in!
    thanks for the giveaway! :)
    puddle_of_light at yahoo dot com

  58. Haha, yes too many back when I was younger. Good memories!

  59. No, I haven't and obviously I am the only one. Thank you for the giveaway!

    Demitra Giote

  60. No never :) Actually I can't since I live in a building on the 8th floor :D

  61. yes I crawled through a window a few times bc was lock out of the house

  62. Nope! I live in Phoenix, so our windows all have sun shades on the outside, making them impossible to climb through!

  63. I don't think so. If I did, I don't remember doing it.

  64. No, I've never crawled through a window

  65. Crawled, squeezed and jumped through a window. THANKS for the giveaway.

  66. I've done it more times than I count!

  67. I have! It's not as easy as it sounds!

  68. I can't remember but I don't think so. :)

  69. No, I haven't. Thanks for the giveaway.

  70. I can't really remember, but I don't think so.
    Ashley A

  71. Yes, several times. My sisters and I used to forget our keys all the time and would have to climb in our house through the window after school!

  72. yes once i had to because my mom was not home and it was locked so i had to unlock the other door... :)

  73. No, I haven't. It's kind of hard to do that when you live on the 4th floor... :D
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  74. Nope, since my room use to be a garage I have a door to use ; )

  75. Yes. Once my parents locked me out of the house because I was being a brat. Then they left and went to my grandparents. So I crawled in the laundry room window. :)

  76. ... You know, now that I think about it, I don't think I have.

  77. lol yes...yes I have...there are many stories in my past that involve climbign out windows :P

  78. I crawled in and out of my bedroom window at my parent's house when I was a teenager too many times to count!

  79. Yes, we used to crawl out of our second story window onto the first floor roof in the summer. Sadly, the new roofing is too slippery. :D

    Ashley E

  80. No, since all of my houses I grew up in has its bars.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  81. I haven't read any of the books in this series, but this series is the next on my To Buy list.
    Thanks for the fun blog hop.

    1. And yes I have crawled through windows many times.

  82. Yes actually, when my hubby and I locked ourselves out of the house! haha

  83. Yes, when I was at school and by accident I showed my panties! LOL!
    (Ileana A.-rafflecopter)

  84. HA! I did! I had this friend on the hospital and nobody would let me see him.. So I crawled.. He doesn't know that! It was so funny and illegal, I know! But he was on the ICU.. So.. It was worth! Now he's fine but.. Maybe someday I'll tell him.

  85. Yes, I have crawled through a window

  86. Yes, several times when I was a teenager
