Photo Content from Lisa T. Bergren
Lisa Tawn Bergren is the best-selling, award-winning author of over 40 books, with more than 2.5 million copies sold. She recently finished a teen series called River of Time (WATERFALL, CASCADE, TORRENT, BOURNE & TRIBUTARY and soon will be done with the last installment, DELUGE). She’s also written the Grand Tour Series (GLAMOROUS ILLUSIONS, GRAVE CONSEQUENCES, GLITTERING PROMISES), and is now at work on the REMNANTS Series. REMNANTS: SEASON OF WONDER, releases in April 2014.
Lisa’s time is split between managing home base, writing, consulting and helping Tim with his business. Her husband Tim is a sculptor of ducks-out-of-fenceposts (, graphic designer and musician. They have three kids–Olivia (19), Emma (16) and Jack (11).
All five of the Bergrens make their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Hardcover: 416 pages
Publisher: Blink (April 8, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310735645
ISBN-13: 978-0310735649
Praise for REMNANTS
Remnants: Season of Wonder opens years after the world has been ravaged by war and disease. Modern conveniences are a luxury, and, tragically, acknowledgement of the Maker is a crime. It is into this world that a special group of children, called “Ailith,” are born. The Maker gives the Ailith children a special birthmark as well as gifts that will be used to deliver mankind from the oppression that has overtaken them. Each Ailith has a bodyguard, and they spend their whole life training for the day when the Maker will call them to fulfill their duties. Andriana is Ailith, and Remnants is her story. It is the story of her missions with the other Ailith, her relationship with her bodyguard Ronan whom she loves, and her expanding knowledge of her Maker. This dystopian fantasy by Lisa T. Bergren is the first in a trilogy about the Ailith fulfilling a prophecy given long ago by the elders. Bergren is a master storywriter who can not only pack the plot with action, but also create well-developed characters. The characters face trials faced by many teens, including forbidden relationships. Andriana and Ronan were told in the beginning of their training that they were never to love each other as more than siblings, but over time, their feelings for each other have grown. Throughout the book, they develop their special gifts and learn to trust the Maker and follow his guidance. In addition to that, they learn they must also lean on the Maker to check their feelings for each other, though they do not always remember to do so as the temptation to kiss and express their feelings for each other grows. There is one use of mild language. Though the times of this book are bleak, there is hope that the Maker has not forgotten, has a plan, and is working all things together for good. ―Kristina Wolcott, CLJ (Christian Library Journal)
2. Bare-minimum: I wouldn’t look at schoolwork to see how I could just skate by. I’d embrace the learning in all sectors, and do my best and really engage with the subject matter. (Okay, notsomuch with biology and geometry. Ugh.)
3. Brace-face: I wouldn’t fret so much over braces. It’s worth the investment for an adulthood with good teeth.
4. Boys: I wouldn’t stress so much about boys not liking me. The right boy was waiting for me…but I wouldn’t meet him until seven years after high school. I wish I wasn’t so obsessive about dating, dances, and first kisses…
5. Competition: I wish I could’ve let my best friend go and flirt with boys and play with other social groups without constantly feeling threatened. The people who are worthwhile look to you as much as you look to them.
6. Body image: Oh, what it would be to go back in time, knowing what I know now. All my life, I’ve felt fat. But in high school? If I weighed what I did then, I’d be delirious. It all balances out in time and with some perspective. I wish I spent less time hating my image and more time appreciating what I had, when I had it.
7. Drama: It’s always good to go and try out for things that push you out of your comfort zone. Even if I went back in time, I wouldn’t win the major roles. But I’d still learn from being a part of a cast more than once. (“Kismet” was my one and only experience.)
8. Keep it within range: I wish I would’ve steered clear of the guy who captured my heart—and my senior year. Yes, I was born “30” in terms of maturity. But he still robbed me of a precious year of innocent youth. Some things can wait. (And it turned out I wasn’t as “mature” as I thought.) And yet…and yet…I feel like it equipped me for my future true love, so I’m conflicted on this front…
9. Skipping School: (and writing my own notes…) Integrity counts, and I wish I hadn’t compromised it. No matter how much I thought Civics was a “waste” and the beach called…
10. Feeling Confident: I wish I could go back and feel the confidence I feel now. To love others. To show grace when others show me hatred. To walk the halls with my head held high, knowing I am special, I am strong, I am my Maker’s advocate in all I do and say. And to ignore anyone bent on tearing me down, just to boost how they feel about themselves. I had a measure of that…but I wish I had lived it, day in and day out.
The year is 2095. Gifted teens known as Remnants have been chosen and trained to act as humanity’s last hope to rectify the horrors that are now part of everyday life.
The Community has trained these teens as warriors and assigned them Knights of the Last Order as protectors. Together, they are a force that will be difficult to bring down.
But the Sons of Sheol, of course, are determined to do just that. As the Remnants begin their mission to course-correct humanity by saving and protecting key individuals, their enemies move to stop them, placing the entire world in peril.
Bestselling author Lisa T. Bergren presents the first book in her new YA futuristic dystopian series—The Remnants Novels—fitting in with the current dystopian trend in the marketplace.
You can purchase Remnants at the
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And now, The Giveaways.
MAY 8th THURSDAY Bookaholics Anonymous REVIEW & GUEST POST
MAY 9th FRIDAY Reviews by Molly REVIEW
MAY 10th SATURDAY Sabrina’s Paranormal Palace REVIEW & RANDOM THINGS
MAY 13th TUESDAY Library of a Book Witch REVIEW & DREAM CAST
MAY 14th WEDNESDAY Book Passion for Life REVIEW & THIS OR THAT
Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for all your work on this tour, Jean! I appreciate you!