Photo Content from S. Jae-Jones

Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin (February 7, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1250079217
ISBN-13: 978-1250079213
“This is an exquisitely and lyrically crafted tale of longing, sibling loyalty, and the importance of women in a time when women were so often overlooked. Eerie, unsettling, and, above all, full of music.” —Booklist, STARRED review
“Jae-Jones writes beautifully about the magic of love, the power of music, and the importance of free will.” —Publishers Weekly
“This fantasy debut is rife with intricate details and world-building, as well as the charged relationship between Liesl and the Goblin King. Fans of Gregory Maguire’s Egg & Spoon or E.K. Johnston’s A Thousand Nights will be drawn to the in-depth descriptions of the goblins’ realm.” —School Library Journal
“A maze of beauty and darkness, of music and magic and glittering things, all tied together with exquisite writing. This is a world you will want to stay lost in.” —Marie Lu, #1 New York Times bestselling author
Spellbinding and sexy, WINTERSONG is a feast for all the senses. I didn’t want this beautifully written book to end.” —Renée Ahdieh, #1 New York Times bestselling author

Was there a defining moment during your youth when you realized you wanted to be a writer?
There wasn’t a defining moment, necessarily; it was more like an accumulation of an entire lifetime of storytelling. For most of my childhood, I was an only child with two parents who worked full-time. I spent a lot of time left to my own devices, and in order to keep myself occupied, I liked to play pretend. I would create all sorts of imaginary worlds and characters and storylines, most often inspired by the books I read. After a while, I started writing them down. I also wrote a lot of creative fiction for school—school plays, short stories, skits, etc. I was always thought of as “the writer” in my school years, and I think I subconsciously carried that with me into adulthood.
Beyond your own work (of course), what is your all-time favorite book and why? And what is your favorite book outside of your genre? Favorite retelling?
My all-time favorite book is The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. I think it’s partially because I first read it at the right time in my life (I was eleven, Lyra’s age), but also because it’s a book that has aged with me. I’ve always loved the coming-of-age narrative, and Pullman takes the concept of growing up and makes it literal in ways that amaze and astound me.
I suppose my genre is YA fantasy, so the opposite of that would be…adult contemporary? I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I thoroughly enjoyed Robert Galbraith’s Cormoran Strike novels, which are the adult mystery/thrillers written by J. K. Rowling.
My favorite retelling is Beauty by Robin McKinley. Again, I think it’s because read this book at the exact right time in my life, but every time I read it, it gives me the warm fuzzies.
If you could be any character in your novel who would you be and why? What fictional character (that is not your own!) do you personally identify with and, why?
I’m not sure I would want to be any character in my novel, as they lived in late 18th century Bavaria and I like 21st century conveniences like indoor plumbing and modern healthcare. But if I had to pick, probably Thistle. I kind of am a prickly hobgoblin in real life, to be honest.
The fictional character I identify with most is Lyra Silvertongue from Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. I love that she is half-feral, savage, and a liar, but also loving, loyal, and compassionate.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received from another author?
Keep a part of yourself for yourself. It’s easy in the age of social media to blur the boundaries between author and work, but I am not my books. I have an entire life beyond writing, and nurturing that is just as important as developing my craft.
What songs fit this book and why? Do you play any instruments? Perhaps the violin and klavier(piano) that were so frequented in the story?
I have a playlist that my publisher very kindly put together for me here! One song that fits this book is probably Coming Down by Halsey.
Most of my musical study was actually focused on voice, but I play a lot of instruments, and none of them particularly well (anymore). Like a good Asian kid, I’ve taken piano lessons since I was three, but I also learned how to play the flute for band, and taught myself the guitar so I could pretend I was Joni Mitchell. In a pinch, I can play the harp, the drums, and clarinet. No stringed instruments, unfortunately. I would love to learn though!
What was your favorite part about writing this book? What was your favorite scene to write?
I loved that I was able to draw on so many things that inspired or influenced me aesthetically as I wrote this book. I love goth stories, Death and the Maiden tropes, Jacques Cocteau movies, Phantom of the Opera, glitter, David Bowie, Mozart, and all of that made it into my book in some form or another. I don’t have a favorite scene, necessarily, but one that was “fun” (in that it was full of personal “Easter eggs”) for me was the first time Liesl crosses the Underground lake and meets the Lorelei.
“Jae-Jones writes beautifully about the magic of love, the power of music, and the importance of free will.” —Publishers Weekly
“This fantasy debut is rife with intricate details and world-building, as well as the charged relationship between Liesl and the Goblin King. Fans of Gregory Maguire’s Egg & Spoon or E.K. Johnston’s A Thousand Nights will be drawn to the in-depth descriptions of the goblins’ realm.” —School Library Journal
“A maze of beauty and darkness, of music and magic and glittering things, all tied together with exquisite writing. This is a world you will want to stay lost in.” —Marie Lu, #1 New York Times bestselling author
Spellbinding and sexy, WINTERSONG is a feast for all the senses. I didn’t want this beautifully written book to end.” —Renée Ahdieh, #1 New York Times bestselling author
Was there a defining moment during your youth when you realized you wanted to be a writer?
There wasn’t a defining moment, necessarily; it was more like an accumulation of an entire lifetime of storytelling. For most of my childhood, I was an only child with two parents who worked full-time. I spent a lot of time left to my own devices, and in order to keep myself occupied, I liked to play pretend. I would create all sorts of imaginary worlds and characters and storylines, most often inspired by the books I read. After a while, I started writing them down. I also wrote a lot of creative fiction for school—school plays, short stories, skits, etc. I was always thought of as “the writer” in my school years, and I think I subconsciously carried that with me into adulthood.
Beyond your own work (of course), what is your all-time favorite book and why? And what is your favorite book outside of your genre? Favorite retelling?
My all-time favorite book is The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman. I think it’s partially because I first read it at the right time in my life (I was eleven, Lyra’s age), but also because it’s a book that has aged with me. I’ve always loved the coming-of-age narrative, and Pullman takes the concept of growing up and makes it literal in ways that amaze and astound me.
I suppose my genre is YA fantasy, so the opposite of that would be…adult contemporary? I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I thoroughly enjoyed Robert Galbraith’s Cormoran Strike novels, which are the adult mystery/thrillers written by J. K. Rowling.
My favorite retelling is Beauty by Robin McKinley. Again, I think it’s because read this book at the exact right time in my life, but every time I read it, it gives me the warm fuzzies.
If you could be any character in your novel who would you be and why? What fictional character (that is not your own!) do you personally identify with and, why?
I’m not sure I would want to be any character in my novel, as they lived in late 18th century Bavaria and I like 21st century conveniences like indoor plumbing and modern healthcare. But if I had to pick, probably Thistle. I kind of am a prickly hobgoblin in real life, to be honest.
The fictional character I identify with most is Lyra Silvertongue from Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. I love that she is half-feral, savage, and a liar, but also loving, loyal, and compassionate.
What is the best piece of advice you ever received from another author?
Keep a part of yourself for yourself. It’s easy in the age of social media to blur the boundaries between author and work, but I am not my books. I have an entire life beyond writing, and nurturing that is just as important as developing my craft.
What songs fit this book and why? Do you play any instruments? Perhaps the violin and klavier(piano) that were so frequented in the story?
I have a playlist that my publisher very kindly put together for me here! One song that fits this book is probably Coming Down by Halsey.
Most of my musical study was actually focused on voice, but I play a lot of instruments, and none of them particularly well (anymore). Like a good Asian kid, I’ve taken piano lessons since I was three, but I also learned how to play the flute for band, and taught myself the guitar so I could pretend I was Joni Mitchell. In a pinch, I can play the harp, the drums, and clarinet. No stringed instruments, unfortunately. I would love to learn though!
What was your favorite part about writing this book? What was your favorite scene to write?
I loved that I was able to draw on so many things that inspired or influenced me aesthetically as I wrote this book. I love goth stories, Death and the Maiden tropes, Jacques Cocteau movies, Phantom of the Opera, glitter, David Bowie, Mozart, and all of that made it into my book in some form or another. I don’t have a favorite scene, necessarily, but one that was “fun” (in that it was full of personal “Easter eggs”) for me was the first time Liesl crosses the Underground lake and meets the Lorelei.
What inspired you to write Wintersong?
The easy answer is, of course, the movie Labyrinth. But Labyrinth is only a small piece; I wrote about the whole thing on my blog.
If Wintersong was being turned into a movie, who would you cast for Käthe and the Goblin King?
I’m not someone who casts their books; I usually draw what the characters look like in my head. If my book were to be made into a movie, I would only ask that the actor be able to embody the spirit of my characters. J I say this because David Bowie will never be able to play my Goblin King. L
What is your writing process like? Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you have any specific things you need in order to write?
Chaos. I work a full-time day job as well as co-host a weekly podcast and run Pub(lishing) Crawl, so I feel like I’m constantly scrambling. BUT. My general process is to journal my way through writing. I have a notebook that I treat almost like a critique partner; I have long, rambling conversations with myself about the story, the characters, the emotional characters, and ask myself questions about where things are going. The actual act of writing happens in fits and starts, unfortunately. But journaling is crucial to my process.
I am a pantser in that I can’t plan things with too much detail or else I’ll lose the joy of discovery. But I do have a general idea of the story shape before I start writing, as well as inflection points. All the stuff in the middle is one giant question mark though. As for what I need when I write—I am fueled by iced coffee and Twizzlers.
Could you tell us anything about your next project after WINTERSONG? What can we expect from the sequel?
Well…it’s a sequel. J A direct sequel, and not a companion novel. I’m not sure I can say what you can expect without spoiling things too much, but it will deal with the consequences of the decision Liesl makes at the end of Wintersong.
What is the strangest thing you've ever had to Google for research?
Most of my research is fairly mundane; it’s where I end up that’s a little ridiculous. For one of my WIPs, I think I Googled “King George V” and somehow, in the course of following little details down the rabbit hole of research, I ended up at Aleister Crowley’s idea of “sex magic.” Yeah. #ravenclawproblems
Is there another author you would like to collaborate on a book with?
Any author who can plot better than me, which is most of them, I feel. J I would love to collaborate with Marie Lu, who was one of my earliest critique partners and a good friend of mine. She does action really well, but gets embarrassed by kissy feelings. I do action terribly, but delight in the kissy feelings. I think we could balance each other out.
For those who are unfamiliar with Liesl, how would you introduce her?
Liesl is a talented musician and an aspiring composer who struggles with both her art and its acceptability.
If you could introduce one of your characters to any character from another book, who would it be and why?
Hmmm. I would introduce Thistle to Moggett from Garth Nix’s Sabriel. I’m a huge fan of spiky, spiteful creatures, and I think it would be fun to pit them against each other.
When asked, what’s the one question you always answer with a lie?
Is it weird when I say I don’t actually lie? Not about stuff that matters, anyway. I lie all the time about silly little things like “Who ate the last slice of pizza?” (the dog) or “How much do you weigh?” (as much as Jupiter), but I think honesty—even if it hurts—is better in the long run.
Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
My partner, but depending on the reason for my bad day, I would call my writer friends or my personal friends from college.
What's the most memorable summer job you've ever had?
I’m the asshole who had a really privileged charmed life, so I’ve never had an actual summer job. I’ve had internships at public relationships firms, but the only summer job I ever wanted (being a bookseller at Vromans) never panned out. My parents usually sent me to summer school instead.
When was the last time you cried?
I cry at the drop of a hat, so by the time this question goes up, it will probably be something else, like a sentimental video about pets or something. At the moment, the last time I cried was looking at a picture of the Obama family on my pinboard.
What decade during the last century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
I was alive during the 1990s, but I was a child, not a teenager. Is it cheating to the say the 90s? It looked pretty great when I was 8.
What is the one, single food that you would never give up?
The easy answer is, of course, the movie Labyrinth. But Labyrinth is only a small piece; I wrote about the whole thing on my blog.
If Wintersong was being turned into a movie, who would you cast for Käthe and the Goblin King?
I’m not someone who casts their books; I usually draw what the characters look like in my head. If my book were to be made into a movie, I would only ask that the actor be able to embody the spirit of my characters. J I say this because David Bowie will never be able to play my Goblin King. L
What is your writing process like? Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you have any specific things you need in order to write?
Chaos. I work a full-time day job as well as co-host a weekly podcast and run Pub(lishing) Crawl, so I feel like I’m constantly scrambling. BUT. My general process is to journal my way through writing. I have a notebook that I treat almost like a critique partner; I have long, rambling conversations with myself about the story, the characters, the emotional characters, and ask myself questions about where things are going. The actual act of writing happens in fits and starts, unfortunately. But journaling is crucial to my process.
I am a pantser in that I can’t plan things with too much detail or else I’ll lose the joy of discovery. But I do have a general idea of the story shape before I start writing, as well as inflection points. All the stuff in the middle is one giant question mark though. As for what I need when I write—I am fueled by iced coffee and Twizzlers.
Could you tell us anything about your next project after WINTERSONG? What can we expect from the sequel?
Well…it’s a sequel. J A direct sequel, and not a companion novel. I’m not sure I can say what you can expect without spoiling things too much, but it will deal with the consequences of the decision Liesl makes at the end of Wintersong.
What is the strangest thing you've ever had to Google for research?
Most of my research is fairly mundane; it’s where I end up that’s a little ridiculous. For one of my WIPs, I think I Googled “King George V” and somehow, in the course of following little details down the rabbit hole of research, I ended up at Aleister Crowley’s idea of “sex magic.” Yeah. #ravenclawproblems
Is there another author you would like to collaborate on a book with?
Any author who can plot better than me, which is most of them, I feel. J I would love to collaborate with Marie Lu, who was one of my earliest critique partners and a good friend of mine. She does action really well, but gets embarrassed by kissy feelings. I do action terribly, but delight in the kissy feelings. I think we could balance each other out.
Liesl is a talented musician and an aspiring composer who struggles with both her art and its acceptability.
If you could introduce one of your characters to any character from another book, who would it be and why?
Hmmm. I would introduce Thistle to Moggett from Garth Nix’s Sabriel. I’m a huge fan of spiky, spiteful creatures, and I think it would be fun to pit them against each other.
When asked, what’s the one question you always answer with a lie?
Is it weird when I say I don’t actually lie? Not about stuff that matters, anyway. I lie all the time about silly little things like “Who ate the last slice of pizza?” (the dog) or “How much do you weigh?” (as much as Jupiter), but I think honesty—even if it hurts—is better in the long run.
Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
My partner, but depending on the reason for my bad day, I would call my writer friends or my personal friends from college.
What's the most memorable summer job you've ever had?
I’m the asshole who had a really privileged charmed life, so I’ve never had an actual summer job. I’ve had internships at public relationships firms, but the only summer job I ever wanted (being a bookseller at Vromans) never panned out. My parents usually sent me to summer school instead.
When was the last time you cried?
I cry at the drop of a hat, so by the time this question goes up, it will probably be something else, like a sentimental video about pets or something. At the moment, the last time I cried was looking at a picture of the Obama family on my pinboard.
What decade during the last century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
I was alive during the 1990s, but I was a child, not a teenager. Is it cheating to the say the 90s? It looked pretty great when I was 8.
What is the one, single food that you would never give up?
All her life, nineteen-year-old Liesl has heard tales of the beautiful, mysterious Goblin King. He is the Lord of Mischief, the Ruler Underground, and the muse around which her music is composed. Yet, as Liesl helps shoulder the burden of running her family’s inn, her dreams of composition and childish fancies about the Goblin King must be set aside in favor of more practical concerns.
But when her sister Käthe is taken by the goblins, Liesl journeys to their realm to rescue her sister and return her to the world above. The Goblin King agrees to let Käthe go—for a price. The life of a maiden must be given to the land, in accordance with the old laws. A life for a life, he says. Without sacrifice, nothing good can grow. Without death, there can be no rebirth. In exchange for her sister’s freedom, Liesl offers her hand in marriage to the Goblin King. He accepts.
Down in the Underground, Liesl discovers that the Goblin King still inspires her—musically, physically, emotionally. Yet even as her talent blossoms, Liesl’s life is slowly fading away, the price she paid for becoming the Goblin King’s bride. As the two of them grow closer, they must learn just what it is they are each willing to sacrifice: her life, her music, or the end of the world.
Looks like a great book! Thank you for the contest!