Book Nerd Review by Jordan
Inspired by True Events
Dennis Alexander: Washington Academy Middle School promises to be another in the long line of boring schools he has been expelled from.
Rhonda Snodgrass: Although trained from childhood in survival tactics, she tries to stay off the radar of the “cool” kids who think she’s weird.
7th grade turns out to be anything but normal when teachers announce the students’ bloodless revolution succeeded and they are now in charge. After conducting a secret-ballot vote on policy, the 7th graders emerge to find the school evacuated and the FBI lurking outside with the task of unearthing a treasure of national importance.
The students’ mission is clear—discover the treasure before the FBI locks down the building. Dennis and Rhonda lead the revolt and must work together to follow century-old clues left by a crazy Revolutionary War buff.
To stay one step ahead of the FBI, they must delve into history and amass an arsenal to defend their school … because this is WAR
2018 American Fiction Awards Winner for Pre-Teen Fiction (Ages 10-12)
2018 Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Finalist for Best Juvenile Fiction
2018 International Book Awards Finalist for Children's Fiction
2018 Hollywood Book Festival Honorable Mention for Children's Fiction
"7th Grade Revolution is a thrilling and engrossing ride through past and present based on real events in North Carolina. Though technically a middle grade book, I feel readers of all ages will enjoy this novel. Trust me, you won't want to put it down." ―Tracy Riva, Midwest Book Review
"... a stunning new Middle Grade novel that is part historical fiction, part action adventure mystery, and all around fun. Featuring a cast of wacky, interesting kids I was hooked on page one and enjoyed every twist and turn of the creative plot. Gardner is a writer to watch." ―Dan Elish, Award-Winning Author of BORN TOO SHORT: The Confessions of an Eighth-Grade Basket Case
"... an exciting, smartly written book filled with adventure, intrigue, and history in a modern school setting. Luke Spooner's accompanying art is simply spot on. I can't wait for my daughter to read this, and there's no higher compliment than that." ―Mercedes M. Yardley, Bram Stoker Award-Winning Author of Little Dead Red
So, I arrived home earlier today to find your book on my front porch and I have just come up for air, realizing that I haven't even eaten since I picked it up. (It's 11:00) I don't even know where to begin. Should I start with the dedication that brought me to tears? The first time I saw my name as the teacher and I gasped? (I really had forgotten that you had said you would use my name!) The fact that the beginning of the book is so very reminiscent of the real thing? The illustration toward the end when I saw myself? All of those things were beyond my expectations, but what I really want to say is that the book held me captive from beginning to end. You captured the middle school mind perfectly, showing their insecurities as well as the amazing strength that is just below the surface. Bravo! It is a wonderful book and I can see it being used during a study of government as a class read. The illustrator is also superb. I could go on and on. (I also am really amazed at how you captured me as a teacher ... how did you do that?) So thank you, thank you, thank you! I loved every part of this book and I am so very proud, as I said earlier, to have had any part in it. ―Karen Rectanus, Exploris Middle School

My most favorite part is when the FBI let go of everyone. My least favorite character was Gravel-Man. I feel like he's rude to the kids and doesn't care about them.I also feel is that he just wanted Sila's artifact.
I was glad to see Rhonda and her team get the artifact before Gravel-Man did. Gravel-Man tried to trick the kids to surrendering. I think this book was an amazing storytelling book to read. I can't wait to read more book from you Liana Gardner.
Here are Jordan's written reviews as he reads per chapter. Just click the picture to enlarge. ***WARNING** Review Contains SPOILERS. Do NOT click the pictures if you do not wish to be Spoiled.
All Chapter Reviews are Written by Book Nerd Jordan.
All Chapter Reviews are Written by Book Nerd Jordan.
All Chapter Reviews are Written by Book Nerd Jordan.
All Chapter Reviews are Written by Book Nerd Jordan.
All Chapter Reviews are Written by Book Nerd Jordan.
Crud. Rhonda threw her arms over her head and ducked. “Bats!”
Selena screamed.
The shrillness ricocheted off the walls and assaulted Rhonda’s ears. “Get down.” Didn’t they know bats moving in a group couldn’t use their natural navigation? “And turn off the flashlight.
Curtis tossed the torch down and hunched in front of her. As the sound grew louder, he turned and put his arms around her.
Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh. They were under attack by a bat colony and the only thing that mattered was Curtis Vanhouten had his arms around her. Well, not under attack, but close enough. The noise swelled as the bats flew overhead, the vibrations from the thrusting wings bounced off their hunched bodies.
When they had passed, Selena whimpered. “Can we get up yet?”
Rhonda peeked into the surrounding darkness. “I don’t know.” The sound decreased as the bats flew farther away. “We came from that direction, unless they go out the trap door, how will they get out?”
Goodness. What if they went flying through the school? Would the FBI break their pact to stay out if they saw a bat cloud flying past the windows?
The peeping sounds grew louder. “They’re coming back. Stay down.” Were they going to wind up crouched on the tunnel floor in waning light from the torch while being dive-bombed by bats all day? The cloud flew overhead and back through the tunnel. The crew waited in case they came back.
Rhonda uncovered her head and strained to hear any noise through the silence. Nothing. “I think they’re gone.”
Curtis let his arms fall to his sides. Then he reached for the torch and held it up again.
She stood. In the dim light she saw Dennis had covered Maddie in the same way Curtis had shielded her. Well, it was nice while it lasted, whatever the reason.
Selena clung to James’s arm. “We’re going to follow the bats?” Her voice rose to a squeak.
Rhonda put one hand on her hip. “You can always go back to the Dungeon.”
“No.” Selena straightened. “I’m going with you.”
Curtis faced forward. “Let’s go then.”
Copyright © 2018 by Liana Gardner
Photo Content from Liana Gardner
Liana Gardner is the award-winning author of 7th Grade Revolution and the Misfit McCabeseries. Daughter of a rocket scientist and an artist, Liana combines the traits of both into a quirky yet pragmatic writer and in everything sees the story lurking beneath the surface. Engaged in a battle against leukemia and lymphoma, Liana spends much of her time at home, but allows her imagination to take her wherever she wants to go.
She fostered her love of writing after reading Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women and discovering she had a great deal in common with the character Jo. The making up of stories, dramatic feelings, and a quick temper were enough for her to know she and Jo would have been kindred spirits.
Liana volunteers with high school students through the International Trade Education Programs (ITEP). ITEP unites business people and educators to prepare students for a meaningful place in the world of tomorrow. Working in partnership with industry and educators, ITEP helps young people “think globally and earn locally.”
Life in general is an adventure.
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ReplyDeleteExploring thrift stores... especially for books.
ReplyDeleteMy user name is: Andrea Carroll
Hi Jordan, I'm so glad you liked the book. It was a blast to write. And I agree with you on your least favorite character ... Gravel-Man was rude and I suspect he was only after riches and glory. I laughed out loud when I knew he'd be the victim of the Hindenburg bomb toward the end. It was simply too funny not to do it.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to reading the individual chapter reviews. I'll save them for treats for getting other things done. ;-)
Liana Gardner
This sounds like such a great book!!
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