Photo Content from Andrea Gibb

Print Length: 724 pages
Publication Date: November 30, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Publication Date: November 30, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Book one of the Sanarii Chronicles
In Kitarra, an old force is escaping and slowly destroying the Kitarrans. Once it is free, the old spirits will die and the magic of the world will unbalance, collapsing into darkness. But the knowledge to stop it has been lost, its secrets buried and stolen. A prophecy speaks of a child who will bring balance …
When/how did you realize you had a creative dream or calling to fulfill?
When I turned 30, (I don’t think it actually had anything to do with turning 30) I was re-reading some of my old writing and thinking “this isn’t terrible” and “what if?” so here I am. Publishing my work is something I have dreamed about since I was a kid, and the older I get the more I realize that life is too short not to follow your dreams.
What was the single worst distraction that kept you from writing this book?
Adult responsibilities. Like feeding my children and making sure they have clean clothes and all that.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
Doing a live reading. It was lots of fun, but also very nerve-wracking, but I would love to do more. Writing has felt very solitary so I enjoy interacting with readers.
Tell us your latest news.
The second novel in the Sanarii Chronicles is going to my editor in February! Scary and exciting at the same time! I am thrilled about where the story is going and the new characters I am introducing.
In your new book; CHILD OF KITARRA, can you tell my Book Nerd community a little about it.
What was the most surprising thing you learned in creating Eva?
Eva is a feisty, yet caring character who feels a little lost due to her inability to control her circumstances. Creating her, and writing from her perspective, is reminding myself to never give up.
If you could introduce one of your characters to any character from another book, who would it be and why?
I would introduce Eva to Liadan from Juliet Marillier’s Son of the Shadows. I feel like they would get along. They are both healers, and they both risk everything for true love.
Which incident in your life that totally changed the way you think today?
My dog almost bit a kid. She was a good dog, but very protective (she was a German Shepherd, her parents were bred for police work). It was the one of the worst days of my life and led to the worst heartbreak I have experienced so far. I know it might be hard to imagine, because it’s a dog. But it was my dog, that I loved, and my kids loved. But in the end, I got to meet an amazing dog -trainer who taught me so much about energy - my energy - and how it effects everything. And in the end, the trainer fell in love with my dog, and I gave her to him because she was not the right fit for a family dog. It was an agonizing decision to make. But through it, I learned the importance of energy and how it affects me and those around me. The experience has helped me manage my anxiety and my fears.
Which would you choose, true love with a guarantee of a heart break or have never loved before?
True love. Always.
What chapter was the most memorable to write and why?
Stone’s last chapter. Because it is raw, and he is my favorite character.
- 1. Packed full of awesome characters
- 2. There is magic – but not wand-waving magic
- 3. Forbidden romance
- 4. If you enjoy stories with big emotions
- 5. It’s a series!
- 6. The Kitarrans are cool
- 7. The bad guys are scary
- 8. Not everyone dies (I promise)
- 9. If you enjoy being taken to a different world complete with magic, true love, shapeshifters, villains and heroes. And trees – really big trees.
- 10. If you are not afraid of epic fantasy
Best date you've ever had?
Getting sandwiches and walking along the river at sunset.
Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood.
The time my two best friends and I decided to do a campout in the wilderness (I think I was 12). Alone. We bush-wacked (there was no trail) up into the wild forest (a good 2 kms) behind our house where we made camp on a bluff with a tarp for a tent. We took two dogs and two pet chickens along (don’t ask). The dogs ate our food during the night. There was storm. The rain and wind was epic. Our ‘tent’ had leaks. Our sleeping bags got wet. We couldn’t get a fire going because there was no dry wood. It was terrible. But everyone laughs about it now (including us).
What was the best memory you ever had as a writer?
When I told my kids my novel was for adults, they told me they were going to sneak onto my computer to read it.
What was a time in your life when you were really scared?
I don’t scare easily. But I have come to understand that grief feels like fear.
The last sanarii -
Eva, the last true sanarii, uses her forbidden magic despite the risks, not realizing she could irrevocably affect the destinies of Jullayans and Kitarrans alike. Yet caught in the machinations of the Guardians and their prophecy, can she protect those she loves from the menace of dark magic threatening not just Kitarra, but all who value goodness and light?
Eva, the last true sanarii, uses her forbidden magic despite the risks, not realizing she could irrevocably affect the destinies of Jullayans and Kitarrans alike. Yet caught in the machinations of the Guardians and their prophecy, can she protect those she loves from the menace of dark magic threatening not just Kitarra, but all who value goodness and light?
And her hero prince -
When Illiah learned he was not just a hero, he was also the lost prince. He came to court with one thing in mind: he sought to arm Jullayah against any further attacks from the monstrous invaders. And in a land where magic is forbidden, he has secrets to hide. But when he finds himself falling into the secrets of a woman unlike any other, he must choose to fight for her and risk everything … or lose her forever.
When Illiah learned he was not just a hero, he was also the lost prince. He came to court with one thing in mind: he sought to arm Jullayah against any further attacks from the monstrous invaders. And in a land where magic is forbidden, he has secrets to hide. But when he finds himself falling into the secrets of a woman unlike any other, he must choose to fight for her and risk everything … or lose her forever.
And now, The Giveaways.
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