Photo Content from Kate Bromley
Kate Bromley is a writer of romantic comedies and contemporary romance. She lives on the east coast with her husband, sons, and her somewhat excessive collection of romance novels. (It's not hoarding if it's books, right?) She was a preschool teacher for almost seven years and is now focusing full-time on combining her two great passions — writing swoon-worthy love stories and making people laugh.
When/how did you realize you had a creative dream or calling to fulfill?
I think I first realized I had a creative dream when I was in college and I was utterly obsessed with romance novels. I had read so many for years and years, and then at one point after I finished reading one, I asked myself, what would I write about if I was a romance author? From then on out, that same question kept coming up after every new book I’d read, so eventually I stopped asking and I started writing.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
My most rewarding experience was/is seeing my books in bookstores. Bookstores have always been my favorite places. I go there in my free time and wander the aisles, when I was younger, I even got a job a bookstore so I could be around books (and make very frequent use of the employee discount), and never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that a book I wrote would someday be on the shelves. Seeing my novels out in the world continues to be totally surreal and endlessly magical.
Your Favorite Quotes/Scenes from CIAO FOR NOW”
- “You wouldn’t be intruding,” I tell him eagerly. “If you don’t sit with me, I’ll torture myself about this for at least a year. Maybe two.”
- I almost laugh at myself. Two years? Yeah, right. My over- analyzing ass will be reimagining and reliving this unforgettable horror until the end of time.
- There’s his scruff. I won’t deny it—I like the scruff. It’s not that I have a full-fledged beard kink or anything; I’m simply a lady who enjoys many a Viking show.
- And granted, I’m not for everyone. No one is universally liked, save for Bob Ross, our eternal lord of the landscapes, but still, I guess I didn’t fully grasp that Matt disliked me to the degree that he obviously does.
- “You’re nervous that this is going to be a big mistake?” He shakes his head, accepting and slow.
- “I’m nervous that this is going to be the opposite of a big mistake.”
What advice would you give to someone who wanted to have a life in writing?
My advice would be to truly believe that you can have a life in writing. For so many years, I never thought becoming a writer was a real possibility, so I pushed the idea and my dream to the back burner and never prioritized writing time. But becoming a writer is an attainable goal, and I’m living proof. So, if writing is what someone wants to do, they should absolutely go for it and believe/know that they can do it.
My advice would be to truly believe that you can have a life in writing. For so many years, I never thought becoming a writer was a real possibility, so I pushed the idea and my dream to the back burner and never prioritized writing time. But becoming a writer is an attainable goal, and I’m living proof. So, if writing is what someone wants to do, they should absolutely go for it and believe/know that they can do it.
What were your feelings when your first novel was accepted/when you first saw the cover of the finished product?
Honestly, I couldn’t believe it. When my agent called me and told me the news, I was in shock. I was laughing and crying, and still, even after signing a contract and knowing that my debut novel was going forward, in the back of my mind, I kept telling myself that I had to be dreaming and there’s no way this could be real. Thankfully, it was real, and when I first saw the cover of the finished product it was love at first sight.
What was the most surprising thing you learned in creating your characters?
The most surprising thing I learned was just how important it was for me to create comprehensive backstories for each one of my characters. Whenever I start work on a new project now, the first thing I do is write up intense, in-depth character breakdowns for every character, whether they be main or supporting. I’ve found that by knowing my characters inside and out, it’s much easier to make them feel real and three-dimensional, and lots of times, it’s the small details I came up with early on in the process that really helps them to shine on the page.
Honestly, I couldn’t believe it. When my agent called me and told me the news, I was in shock. I was laughing and crying, and still, even after signing a contract and knowing that my debut novel was going forward, in the back of my mind, I kept telling myself that I had to be dreaming and there’s no way this could be real. Thankfully, it was real, and when I first saw the cover of the finished product it was love at first sight.
What was the most surprising thing you learned in creating your characters?
The most surprising thing I learned was just how important it was for me to create comprehensive backstories for each one of my characters. Whenever I start work on a new project now, the first thing I do is write up intense, in-depth character breakdowns for every character, whether they be main or supporting. I’ve found that by knowing my characters inside and out, it’s much easier to make them feel real and three-dimensional, and lots of times, it’s the small details I came up with early on in the process that really helps them to shine on the page.
With her thirties rapidly approaching and a mountain of student debt looming over her, Violet Luciano’s dream of finishing design school and working in fashion has cost her everything. So when she lands an internship at an up-and-coming fashion brand in Rome, she brings her A game to Italy. With nothing left to lose, Violet plans to win the competition among the interns for the ultimate prize—a job at a New York label.
But when a coffee run goes wrong and Violet accidentally destroys a stranger’s laptop, all of the apology Americanos in the world won’t help her. Because it turns out that the man from the cafĂ© is Matteo, her professor’s eternally grumpy son, who thinks she’s a clumsy American…and maybe a stalker. Their animosity (and undeniable chemistry) grows as together they’re forced to face a summer of chic parties, adventures through Rome and sharing a home…with the person they can’t stand the most.
The more time she spends with him, the more distracted she finds herself. With her chance to win the competition slipping out of her grasp, Violet has to decide whether to say ciao to Matteo—or ciao to her dreams.
You can purchase Ciao For Now at the following Retailers:

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