Photo Content from Brendan Reichs

Hardcover: 512 pages
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers (March 6, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0399544968
ISBN-13: 978-0399544965
Praise for GENESIS
★ ”[A] heck of a page-turner . . . Fans of The Hunger Games novels and the CW series The 100 will discover much to enjoy here . . . A cracking good yarn and excellent sequel.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review
“Nemesis was a page-turner, and Genesis has plenty of fevered action and startling surprises, especially as the book nears its conclusion . . . Fans of the first book will certainly want to read this and look forward to the trilogy’s conclusion” —Booklist
“[T]his dark sequel to Nemesis . . . . reads like a technological retelling of Lord of the Flies.” —VOYA
“An exciting sequel that will delight young science fiction readers with its video game–esque story line.” —School Library Journal
“Reichs knows exactly how to mix action, suspense, and characters into a breathless read. This is one thriller that will keep you up into the night.” —Marie Lu, New York Times bestselling author of Warcross
“Equal parts adventure, mystery, and heart, Genesis is a gripping, mind-blowing story that leaves you begging for more. I loved it!” —Danielle Paige, New York Times bestselling author of Dorothy Must Die
What was the greatest thing you learned at school?
I think my greatest takeaway from school was that it’s important to study what you truly care about and not what you think might be a good primer for a high-paying job. Okay, well, I didn’t learn that at school. I did the opposite like a dope. So I guess I want others to learn that at school. Study what you care about, because you can make a fun career out of anything. What you do for a living is what you do every single day. Make the most of it.
What was your favorite book as a child and why?
My favorite book growing up was The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams. It was the first true, pure epic fantasy I ever read after The Hobbit—my gateway drug—and it taught me that there were so many more awesome worlds and amazing stories hiding inside books. I read my copy until the cover fell off.
What advice would you give to someone who wanted to have a life in writing?
You have to love telling stories. Writing is not a career you enter with the thought that you’re going to get rich, although you certainly can. Writing is about expressing yourself. If you love it, you need to work hard to get better at it bit-by-bit and line-by-line. Writing is more skill than art, and practice gets you closer to perfect. Write all the time, about whatever moves you. But write!
In your newest book, GENESIS (Project Nemesis #2); can you tell my Book Nerd community a little about the novel?
Genesis picks up the story right after the shocking conclusion to Nemesis, so I actually can’t give too many details about it or it would ruin the surprise, but the Fire Lake sophomore class finds itself in a place where the old societal rules don’t apply, and they have to find a way to live together in an environment without typical consequences. It’s been a called a technological retelling of Lord of the Flies and I think that a very fair comparison.
What was your inspiration for the series?
I wanted to explore the concept of what it really means to be you. That is, what makes a person who they are. Biology? Chemistry? A set of actions and beliefs? Nemesis explores who we on a basic, fundamental level, and Genesis takes the ball forward another step, examining why we do the things we do. I wanted to test what a group of people might do in an impossible situation where all the normal filters are removed, and I found it very interesting what came out.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating Noah?
Noah was intended to be a typical “popular cool kid” who had it all, but as I wrote him, I found that that wasn’t the character I wanted to write. I realized Noah would be intensely disturbed by what had been happening to him—the murders he’d endured and the lies he’d been fed—and he suddenly became much more real to me. Noah is deeply damaged by the violence that has been done to him and suffers from panic attacks and a high level of insecurity. Though able to front it, he’s constantly battling his demons. This version of Noah was much more compelling and really helped drive the story.
Which character have you enjoyed getting to know the most over the course of writing PROJECT NEMESIS?
I love writing Tack. I need a smartass in every book who basically says whatever I’d say in the situation, and Tack is that guy, though I think he’s tougher than I ever was. I found Tack to be more relatable to me, personally, than anyone else in the class. And he gets all the best lines.
If you could introduce Min to any character from another book, who would it be and why?
I think Min would really get along with Tris from the Divergent series by Veronica Roth. Those are amazing books, and both characters are young women with a lot of heart that find the courage to see through the many layered webs of deception around them. I think they’d kick some serious ass together, too.
What do you feel is the most significant change since book one?
Noah. He starts out in a really dark place in Genesis, believing he has a specific mission from which he cannot deviate. Over the course of the book he comes to understand himself better, and the world he inhabits, but it’s a long journey and there are some bad moments along the way. Noah’s got a lot of making up to do.
What are some of your current and future projects that you can share with us?
I’m releasing a middle grade book co-authored with the incredibly talented Ally Condie called The Darkdeep, on October 2, 2018. We’re really excited about it and can’t wait to share this story with the world. It’s best described as The Goonies meets Stranger Things with a touch of Stand By Me. We will be releasing ARCs at BEA, ALA, and Children’s Institute this summer! And the third book in my Project Nemesis series will release in Spring 2019. The title and cover reveal will take place at this summer’s The BookCon. Fun times ahead!
Last Halloween Costume you wore and when?
The punky QB, Jim McMahon, of the ’85 Chicago Bears. I’ve worn it 20 years in a row. Seriously.
Last thing you made with your own hands?
A grilled cheese sandwich. It was fantastic. I want another one.
What decade during the last century would you have chosen to be a teenager?
80s. I love big hair and classic video games, plus the TV shows and cartoons were the best. I was a teen in the 90s and that wasn’t bad either, but the 80s rocked.
Tell me about your first kiss
Katie Shepherd. Truth or Dare. 6th grade. It was weird.
What is your favorite restaurant in town and why?
I like Five Guys burgers pretty much anywhere, because Five Guys burgers are amazing. Get the fresh-cut fries, too.
If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go?
High School. I could fix some first love stuff, and I also would avoid that time I shaved my head on a bet.
Where can readers find you?
On the interwebs! IG (@brendan.reichs) Twitter (@brendanreichs) and my website ( I also like to play basketball on weekends and eat at food trucks.
1. The main characters die. All of them. A lot. But don’t sweat it—they get to try again, over and over and over. Until maybe they … don’t?
2. I spent a lot of time researching weapons. So I think I got all the shooting and stabbing stuff right. But of course I’m sure I screwed a lot of it up. Sigh.
3. There is some kissing. Between several people. I know people like the kissing so I’ll let you know this book has some. Enjoy.
4. Noah has to decide who he is. What he wants to be. What he’s willing to become to win, versus what he has to give up to get there. It’s NOT EASY, man.
5. Min has to adapt. In a world unsuited to her rigid morality. Min doesn’t seem to fully understand the darker side of human nature, but she’d better learn fast, because there are wolves on the prowl.
6. Tack gets it. He does what he has to in order to survive. And he’ll have to make tough choices. Tack will do whatever it takes to help Min, but is he looking for more than she can give him?
7. The Program gets rough. And I mean ROUGH. These kids are about to go through the ringer, and you can watch and cringe. And hope.
8. Nothing is what it seems. Because of course it isn’t. This is my book and that’s how I do things. There are twists galore in Genesis and I hope you enjoy each and every one.
9. Don’t read it late at night. Or do. I like nightmares. I wrote one.
10. There will be a third Project Nemesis book. This story has more work to do, but Genesis will answer all the questions of Nemesis. Just get ready for some new ones. Enjoy!
The 64 members of Fire Lake's sophomore class are trapped in a place where morals have no meaning, and zero rules apply. But Noah's deaths have trained him--hardened him--to lead the strongest into the future . . . whatever that may be. And at any cost.
Min Wilder knows that survival alone isn't enough.
Trapped in a violent world where brute force passes for leadership, it's tempting to lay back and let everyone else fight it out. But Min's instincts rebel against allowing others to decide who lives and who dies. She's ready to fight for what she believes in. And against whomever might stand in her way.
And now, The Giveaways.
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MAY 15th TUESDAY Bibliobibuli YA EXCERPT
MAY 16th WEDNESDAY Casia's Corner REVIEW
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MAY 18th FRIDAY A Dream Within A Dream REVIEW
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